During this topic we will also learn all about Easter and making links to our RE unit Salvation. We will be going on lots of walks and exploring nature and looking for bugs! We will take care of our very own caterpillars in class and watch how they grow and change. We will also be scientists during science week and book characters during world book day. During this topic, we will invite Anthony James, a local artist to help us learn about making models using recycled materials.

We will reading the bible story Jesus is Alive- The Easter Story.

Our key book will be ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle. This can be accessed below via the link below:
We will also read The Extraordinary Gardner by Sam Boughton.
An inspiring story bursting with big themes. Full of colour. A charming story about the important of nature, teaching us that if we work hard enough our dreams really can come true!
You can learn all about caterpillars here…
Spring Term 2
'Learning for life, building a firm foundation.'
Mad About Minibeasts!
In nursery this half term we are learning all about bugs!