Eco Team

Meet Our Eco Team...
The job of our Eco Team is to try to make our school as sustainable as possible. That means we try to look after the world around us and make sure that we don’t damage it.
The children on our team are chosen by each class in September. They meet regularly to work on what else we can do to make our school more sustainable.
Every year our Eco Team decides together 2 or 3 areas they want to focus on throughout the year. They chose between:
Biodiversity – We share our school with many different species of plants and animals. How do we promote Biodiversity at our school?
Energy – Our School has two main uses for energy: heating and electricity. Can we help lower our school’s impact on climate change?
“Global Citizenship” – Can we take an active role in our community, and work with others to make our planet more equal, fair and sustainable?
Litter – Do we respect our learning environment? Is our school litter-free?
Marine – How does what we do in our schools, homes and streets affect our seas? How we can make positive differences for our seas?
Healthy living – We are part of the environment. How does our school promote choices that are good for us and good for the environment?
School grounds – Our school’s grounds are a fantastic environment in which to let the imagination run wild. How will we make the most of our outside space?
Transport – We can do a lot to improve the way staff and pupils travel. Can we encourage pupils to try new modes of transport?
Waste – This comes in many different forms – food, paper, plastic, electrical, metal – it can all be reduced, reused or recycled. How can we manage waste better?
Water – What can we do to use this precious resource more responsibly?