Coffee Mornings

Coffee Morning with Connect for Health
Thank you those who attended this month’s coffee morning centered on ideas of support for managing big emotions, putting in boundaries and routines and sleep.
Connect for Health, the school nursing services joined school SENCO, Mrs Seaman, Miss Rouse from the school Wellbeing Team in offering support and a friendly ear to our parents.
Connect for Health is a school nurse-led service that supports children, young people and their families in Warwickshire.
The team includes a range of healthcare professionals, who can offer you support with topics such as:
· Healthy eating
· Dental health
· Friendships and relationships
· Bullying
· Anxieties about changing schools
· Parenting
· Behaviour
· Fussy eating
· Sleep
· Continence
· Referral onto additional services
· Emotional wellbeing including stress and anxiety
You can contact Connect for Health with a simple text.
ChatHealth, the school nurse messaging service, is confidential and available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. You can message for advice on all kinds of health issues, like sexual health, emotional health, bullying, healthy eating and any general health concerns.
Text ‘ChatHealth’ on 07507 331 525
Keep an eye out for our next coffee morning, it will be advertised here.