Year 2
'Learning for life, building a firm foundation.'
Phonics and mathematics homework is set on Friday and is due in the following Thursday. Spelling tests are on Friday. Reading books and diary must be signed and returned daily. It really helps the children if their adults at home can help with this!
P.E. is taught on Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a complete P.E. kit for these lessons.
Mrs Sandu
As a child my favourite books were traditional tales. One that I was fascinated by was ‘Hansel and Gretel’. I loved the idea of a house made out of cookies, cakes and candies. It was intriguing to find out who lived in such a house but a wicked witch! The comfort of both Hansel and Gretel escaping and returning home evoked emotions of joy- as a true fairy tale happy ending.

Mrs Seaman
My favourite book as a child was Harry Potter and the philosophers stone because I loved to imagine what the world would be like if magic was real.
Mrs Durbin
My favourite book as a child was 'The Princess and the Pea' because I wanted to be like the princess in her comfy bed so I could be in my own warm space.

Mrs Thompson
My favourite book to read as a child was
The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. My imagination could run wild with all the enchanted wood characters and amazing lands that appeared at the top of the tree.