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Year 5

'Learning for life, building a firm foundation.'









Mr Woolcock

My favourite book as a child was Beyond the Deepwoods by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell, It was my first adventure into fantasy books and I loved meeting every weird creature and unusual species along the way.









Mrs Walford

My favourite book as a child was Matilda, by Roald Dahl. I liked this book as Matilda is intelligent and brave. She stands up for herself and helps Miss Honey to find the courage to stand up to Miss Trunchbull.

Homework is set weekly online each week on Purple Mash. The homework is set on Monday and due in by Saturday. If you have any questions, please speak to an adult in Year 5.

P.E. is taught on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Please ensure your child has a complete P.E. kit for these lessons.

Our class assembly will be on Thursday 16th May 2024

In December, Year 5 wrote letters to their local MP asking for his support around the campaign to give Walter Tull the Military Cross. After careful drafting, reading and writing Year 5 sent their letters.  Click on the link below to read the letter received in reply.









Miss Cunningham

My favourite book as a child was' Jeremy James, Elephants Don't Sit on Cars' by David Henry Wilson. Jeremy James was a young boy that had lots of bizarre things happening in his life, but no one believed him. It was a funny book that made me think about wacky things that could happen on what seemed to be a normal day.  

Science at George Eliot

Year 5 are participating in a fantastic science project with George Eliot. A huge thank you to Mr Kelsall and Mrs Mansbridge for the opportunity to experience science lessons in a secondary school science lab.

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