Collective Worship
'Learning for life, building a firm foundation.'
Collective Worship at All Saints
In our school, our Christian vision shapes all that we do: Learning for life, building a firm foundation. The route to our vision is guided by our Christian values of Love, Truth, Peace, Faith and Hope.
At All Saints CE Primary School and Nursery, worship is central to the life of school and is one of the main platforms for exploring the school’s vision and Christian values. It is planned and of high quality so that the whole school community is engaged on a journey of discovery, exploring the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.
At All Saints CE Primary School and Nursery, collective worship aims to be inspirational, invitational and inclusive and will lead people to a threshold where they can witness worship and join in, if they wish.
Worship Themes
The school’s vision and values are central to collective worship as the beating heart of the school. The themes of our worship are planned around our vision and our Christian values. Our vision and values are illuminated through stories from the Bible and everyday life. Links are made with other faiths through common stories or practices. For example, during the period of Lent, we learn about fasting within other faiths such as Hinduism, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism. Some stories from the Bible are shared by other faiths too. For example, the story of Jonah in the Bible is known as Yunus in the Qu’ran.
We use the very popular iSingPop programme of worship for classroom worship. Children enjoy the more intimate setting of their classrooms where age-appropriate conversations and reflections are nurtured. Themes for classroom worship are linked to Christian values for life such as respect, kindness, generosity and resilience.
Leading Worship
At All Saints, lots of adults and children lead worship. Whole school
worship is led by the headteacher. Key Stage worship is led by class
teachers on a rota basis. Classroom worship is lead by class teachers
or teaching assistants. Our Year 6 pupil worship leaders plan and lead
their own worship every half term.
Celebration Assembly
On Monday afternoons, we celebrate the successes from the week before. We present our Values Award to children who have been spotted demonstrating one of our Christian values of Love, Truth, Peace, Faith or Hope. These children are presented with a certificate to take home and a wooden ‘values tree slice’ to hang on our Values Tree. We also present our Vision Award to children who have demonstrated our Christian vision of Learning for life, building a firm foundation. These children are presented with a certificate and a special pencil. Our Year 6 Vision and Values Leaders also present their special award to children who they have spotted demonstrating our Christian vision or values.
EYFS Special Collective Worship
Every week, our youngest children in
Nursey and Reception share a special
collective worship with our friend
Mrs Berry from a local church group.
Church-led Collective Worship
At special times of the year, we enjoy going to our church, All Saints Church, Chilvers Coton, for Collective Worship.
Our special friend from church, Peter, comes to school every few weeks to lead and share our whole-school collective worship.
Where does worship take place?
Worship often takes place in our school hall where we can see our
special wall hangings that represent our Christian vision and values.
We are fortunate to have other places around school where we can
worship and reflect. These include classrooms where we have our
own Reflection Areas, The Peace Garden and the Reflection Garden.
Our School Prayer
Dear Father God
We know you love us all
Guide us by your holy spirit
to do those things that are right.
Help us to remember those children
who are sad, lonely or unwell.
Thank you for making our school a safe and
happy place to learn and grow together.
Bless with your love all the children, their families and
those adults who work here.