Summer Term 1
'Learning for life, building a firm foundation.'
We are having the Artist Anthony James come into school to make junk models of Dinosaurs with the children. Anthony James has worked on lots of art projects and even worked for the BBC where his Art work has been used on the Television. Why not check out his website to look at all of his cool creations and to help inspire the children for their models-

We will also be looking at the fictional text Crunch, Munch Dinosaur Lunch. This story can be accessed below via the link below:
We will also look at the book ‘The Flamingo Who Didn’t Want to be Pink’, where we will explore ideas of freedom, self-expression and the importance of choice.

What came first- the Dinosaur or the Egg?
In Reception this half term we are learning all about Dinosaurs. We will be learning all about the different types of Dinosaurs by looking at Dinosaur encyclopaedias and making our own Dinosaur fact files.